High School Program


Build it.

Rugby is one of the fastest growing sports in the U.S. We want to build up our players with a sport they can play anywhere, around the country and around the world. We want to build up their confidence, learn the best way each player can lead, give them opportunities to see progress in their efforts.


Live it.

Rugby is a way of life for us. We offer the opportunity for players to take the pitch throughout the year including Fall and Summer 7s for boys and girls and Spring 15s for girls.


Grow it.

We are committed to growing our players on and off the field. As a club, we have grown to support over 100 players each year. We take pride in not only developing players rugby skills, but also growing them into strong teammates, leaders, and independent adults. We look forward to continuing to grow the game and rugby community in New York City.

Register today.

All experiences are welcome!

Fill out the form and we will get back to you with all of the information you need! Thank you.

For any additional questions, email us directly: vphighschool@newyorkrugby.com


New York, NY

Questions? Email: vphighschool@newyorkrugby.com


Help us play more.

All donations go directly to support our players.

Thank you for your consideration.


For organizations interested in supporting our youth program through grants or sponsorships please contact: vphighschool@newyorkrugby.com

We thank Marc Hass Foundation, Inc. for their generous grant donations and support throughout the years.

“Rugby has taught me how to be disciplined, how to communicate well, and how to work well with others.” — Ashley Quezada, 2020

 “I realized rugby isn’t all about scoring tries, but playing your role in something that’s much bigger.” - Mohamed Barry, 2020

 Follow @nyrcyouth on Instagram!